On Point Brew Co.

I worked with On Point founder Ollie Dent at Fierce & Noble Brewery from 2018 to 2020. He set up on his own in 2022 and I reached out to him to design his label designs; I wanted to work with him again and I knew the sort of look and feel he likes.

The brief was to create a simple and bold design - I came up with some initial concepts and we quickly settled on a look and feel. The final result combines strong typography with a simple colour palette and a stark, unfussy layout.

Ollie launched his Sun Up SIPA at The Llandogger Trow pub in Bristol and the keg sold out in a single evening. Sun Set - his cask Golden Ale - is set for release later this month. Follow on socials for more from this promising new brewery.


I’ve won an award!


New Bristol Brewery X Size?